A little op-ed in Domus

My friend Fred Scharmen and I wrote a piece for Domus titled “Architecture Needs to Interact,” about better crossovers between architecture and interaction design — or for that matter, all of the design disciplines. It gave us a chance to reflect upon some of what he learned as an master’s in architecture student at Yale,… Continue reading A little op-ed in Domus

Designing Geopolitics: presenting today

A quick note that I’m presenting today at UC-San Diego at Designing Geopolitics. I’m giving a talk called “Intelligence in Search of A Body” on Nicholas Negroponte and the Architecture Machine Group as a part of the session titled, “Data as World, World-Image, World-Making,” with along with two people I admire greatly: Lev Manovich and… Continue reading Designing Geopolitics: presenting today

All-Nite Grocery! Walt Mink!

Walt Mink was a terrific band from St. Paul in the early 90s. They were named after a psychology professor at Macalester did a great cover of Pink Moon, they did a great couple albums, they were great live… Thanks to Willfully Obscure, I heard something I’ve not heard since 1992, hanging out with my… Continue reading All-Nite Grocery! Walt Mink!

Upcoming adventures

I’m sitting at the airport again, about to embark on a five or six stop trip over the next month. Oh my! Speaking-wise, my first stop is the ACSA (Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture) annual conference in Montreal, one of my favorite cities in the world. I’m giving another paper on Cedric Price and… Continue reading Upcoming adventures

weeknote 21

It’s been very productive month in Princeton, even if I am channeling John Nash in my organizing of little slips of paper in pursuit of the big arguments for my dissertation. I’m interested in what Katherine Hayles refers to as “how information lost its body” and how it gets rematerialized, not in bodies (which is her… Continue reading weeknote 21

Categorized as weeknotes

My Tummelvision episode is up!

I got to tummel last week! I was the guest on Tummelvision, where I talked about architecture and interactivity and a bunch of other things with the lovely and wonderful Deb Schultz and Kevin Marks. It was great fun. If you’d like to listen, it’s right here. Thank you guys so much for having me.