Report from Umeå

Above: a beautiful and violent sunrise at 8:15 am (the picture was taken from my bed!). No snow yet, which is rare, but the light is really something—that is, until the sun sets at 2:30 in the afternoon. For the last three weeks, I’ve been a visiting researcher at the HUMLab digital humanities lab at… Continue reading Report from Umeå

Upcoming adventures

I’m sitting at the airport again, about to embark on a five or six stop trip over the next month. Oh my! Speaking-wise, my first stop is the ACSA (Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture) annual conference in Montreal, one of my favorite cities in the world. I’m giving another paper on Cedric Price and… Continue reading Upcoming adventures

weeknote 13: greetings from montreal

Greetings from the Canadian Centre for Architecture in Montreal! I’m here on a Collections Research Grant to use the Cedric Price Archive. There are about 30 scholars in residence right now from the US, Canada, Italy, France, Spain, Belgium and points beyond, some younger, some more advanced, some traditionally academic, others less traditional like Geoff… Continue reading weeknote 13: greetings from montreal

A front page story

Last week, we were in Düsseldorf and visited my favorite bookstore, Müller and Böhm in the Heinrich Heine Haus. I’m chuffed that Enrique and I are featured on the front page of the website. Last year, I wrote about the book chain they created when they moved into the Heinrich Heine Haus… that’s what they’re… Continue reading A front page story

My new friend in SF

the michelin man! Originally uploaded by maximolly. This was the best. thing. ever. On my way to meet John for dinner at the Slanted Door, I ran into Bibendum, the Michelin Man! I even got him to dance. Note the zipper in the middle.

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