weeknote 15

Oxford Corner House network analysis diagram by Cedric Price: a project management tool he adapted for his own purposes in his projects (1966). These weeknotes haven’t exactly been weekly. I’ve been struggling with blogging when I’m thick in work. I’m heavy in a mix of chapter-paper-article on Cedric Price’s Oxford Corner House and find that… Continue reading weeknote 15

A network of constant interactions and communications

[This post is a part of a month of Cyborgs, a project started by Quiet Babylon’s Tim Maly. It’s the first of two.] To get to cyborgs, we need to start with cybernetics. Norbert Wiener. Image source: Complex Fields blog. Cybernetics is a network of constant interactions and communications. Norbert Wiener (1894–1964) coined the term in 1948… Continue reading A network of constant interactions and communications

weeknote 13: greetings from montreal

Greetings from the Canadian Centre for Architecture in Montreal! I’m here on a Collections Research Grant to use the Cedric Price Archive. There are about 30 scholars in residence right now from the US, Canada, Italy, France, Spain, Belgium and points beyond, some younger, some more advanced, some traditionally academic, others less traditional like Geoff… Continue reading weeknote 13: greetings from montreal

Dissertation proposal! Artificial Intelligence, Architectural Intelligence: The Computer in Architecture, 1960–80

UPDATE: My dissertation proposal. I’ve completed my dissertation proposal! My dissertation is tentatively titled “Artificial Intelligence, Architectural Intelligence: The Computer in Architecture, 1960–80.” At noon, I defend it. Wish me luck! Here is the abstract: With the advent of the information age, architects in the 1960s and 70s found themselves contending with more complex design problems than… Continue reading Dissertation proposal! Artificial Intelligence, Architectural Intelligence: The Computer in Architecture, 1960–80

weeknote 06

Enough with the snow. I’m in Los Angeles, or more precisely, Venice (and I missed the third snowstorm in 10 days in New Jersey). I will be shifting my time to be here more than not in the next several months, an audition for whether I might fully move here later this year. I’ve been… Continue reading weeknote 06

An history of wrong footing

“NB* The socially delightful usefulness of responsive architecture has only recently gathered an establishment smart gloss and in so doing has cheapened the tight nice original usage of the very word—responsive.” –Cedric Price, “AN HISTORY OF WRONG FOOTING—THE IMMEDIATE PAST,” undated. Generator Folio DR1995:0280:65, 1/5, Cedric Price Archives, Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montreal. Cedric Price… Continue reading An history of wrong footing

The books on the desk, the thesis draft chapter

In lieu of giving you something to read that I’m working on, I’ll show you what I’m reading… the list now includes Alice in Wonderland, Nietzsche’s Gay Science, Johan Huizinga’s Homo Ludens, Karl Popper’s Open Society and its Enemies, and a whole bunch of books on art and cybernetics from the 60s. These don’t include… Continue reading The books on the desk, the thesis draft chapter

Time and braveness

Use time well. Use time creatively. Don’t trap time. Don’t let time slip away. Don’t be scared. Be brave. This quote from Cedric Price Opera is in the Jude Kelly section on page 87. I’m not sure whether she said it but rather hope Cedric Price instead did. Kind words for me, as I write… Continue reading Time and braveness